Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Potential Dictator!?

There is a three pronged approach that Obama is taking.

First: Cap and Trade ---> Attack on Capitalism. If successful, it creates a permanent unemployed class.

Second: Healthcare ---> Attack on Liberty. If successful, it controls the citizens of this country.

Third: Creation of an Army Answerable only to Obama ---> If successful, it gives Obama personal power to take care of people who won't obey.

I know this sounds like a conspiracy theory, but bear with me.

Cap and Trade has passed in the House. It is now stalled in the senate. Hopefully it won't pass.

Healthcare is stalled completely, but it hasn't died yet. It looks like Obama is going to try to appeal to the american people on Wednesday.

The Army has most of it's Czars in place. All that is needed is a creation of the rank and file. Here Obama has the Serve Act. It creates 250,000 volunteer army.

I believe that Obama has the potential to be Dictator in my lifetime.

This is not a theory.

The silver lining in the clouds over the United States is that we have a history of personal liberty and a hatred of dictators, whether they are kings, emperors or dictators.

We are a resilient bunch. We solve our problems prior to the government getting involved. Indeed, we prefer that the government not ever to get involved.