Wednesday, February 25, 2009

I noticed something very interesting About REDSTATE and Big Hollywood

Red State Does not allow people who are not of the same Ideological bent to post. The only ones allowed are people who don't "upset" the stodgy ones.

What I mean is that they allow some people to post, but a simple perusal of who actually post are not allowed to say or do anything that could possibly be interesting for any length of time.

It is a vanity blog for Erick Erickson, Moe Lane, E. Pluribus Unum etc......

I perused that site for some time, and now I don't go to it, partly because they blocked my primary browser which I am changing and because they are only going over things I have already seen.

I mean is a better site and that site is more interesting and informative than Red State ever could be.

I don't know whether I will go back there to post. I go back to see them flounder all over the place and that they still slam our best chance for a comeback. Jindal and Palin.

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